Mihály Gábor Mándi

Current Focus

My current project focuses on the development of my database (VerteBrainData) on vertebrate brain size, and the use of the gathered data. Using this data, I'm currently researching the relationships between brain size and parental care in vertebrates. My future projects are following this research and introducing new traits and variables to study.


Curriculum vitae


  • 2023- Msc in Biology, Zoology Specialization, University of Debrecen, Hungary

  • 2020-2023 Bsc in Biology, University of Debrecen, Hungary

  • 2016-2020 Karcagi Nagykun Református Gimnázium, Hungary


Vági, B., Katona, G., Miranda, O.G., Mándi, M. G., Hofmann, H. A., Plagányi, E., Végvári, Z., Liker, A., Freckleton, R. P. & Székely, T. (2024). The evolution of exceptional diversity in parental care and fertilization modes in ray-finned fishes. Evolution, qpae100. DOI: 10.1093/evolut/qpae100 📄